Table 2 Parameters changed in the sensitivity analysis

From: Quantifying the economic impact of changes in energy demand for space heating and cooling systems under varying climatic scenarios


Parameters and alternative values chosen


The SSP1 scenario assumes low population growth and high economic growth


The SSP3 scenario assumes high population growth and low economic growth

High elasticity

A scenario that incorporates a shift from an original parameter representing technology selection price elasticity (−5.0) in a logit function to a higher elasticity parameter (−7.0)

Low elasticity

A scenario that includes a shift from an original parameter representing technology selection price elasticity (−5.0) in a logit function to a more inelastic parameter (−3.0)

High cost

A scenario assuming low technological costs in which the change in the original growth ratio of the Autonomous Energy Efficiency Improvement (0.5% per year) is reduced by half (to 0.25% per year)

Low cost

A scenario assuming high technological costs in which the change in the original growth ratio of the Autonomous Energy Efficiency Improvement is doubled from 0.5% per year to 1.0% per year