Figure 5 | Palgrave Communications

Figure 5

From: Assessing the role of migration as trade-facilitator using the statistical mechanics of cooperative systems

Figure 5

Estimates for the critical density of immigrants obtained by fitting data on number of exporting firms: their distribution and their average values suggest robust behaviours among provinces.

Note: We select the four largest provinces (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Sevilla) out of the available Np and for each of them we consider the data for trades Yp,f performed between the province p and the foreign country f. The data for trade relationships Yp,f are then analysed versus the fraction of migrants Γp,f residing in p and hailing from f and we perform the best fits according to the theoretical law in equation (17). In this way we obtain estimates for the critical density of immigrants Γc and the related R2, which are plotted in the upper panel. Different symbols and colours refer to different provinces as explained by the legend. Each data point represents a different pair (p,f). The most reliable fits (that is, R2 close to 1) suggest that Γc is distributed around 10−5, and this holds for all the four provinces analysed. Focusing on estimates corresponding to R2>0.85, we build the histogram of Γc (shown in the middle panel) and calculate its arithmetic average to get Γ ¯ c , which is plotted in the lower panel as a function of the population of the related province.

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