Figure 7 | Palgrave Communications

Figure 7

From: Limitations of time resources in human relationships determine social structures

Figure 7

Effect of the gradient of grooming cost function α on C=Nma and the distribution of the strengths of social relationships in the simulation. (a) Simulation result instances (C=Nma), (b) The effect of a on the power law coefficients of the distributions of social relationships strengths, (c) Simulation result instances (the distributions of social relationships strengths). Figure a shows that gradient α increased a. Figures b and c show that the gradient α increased the power law coefficients of the strengths of social relationships, that is, the gradient increased width and shallowness of social relationships. The parameters T, R and β were based on Twitter (see Fig. 6a) because β has no effect on a. In figures a and b, the number of individuals was 200 and qi included the 200 values used in [0,1]. In figure c, the number of individuals was 10,000 and qi included the 10,000 values used in [0,1].

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