Table 1 Comparisons of the two types of online learning.

From: Moving forward: embracing challenges as opportunities to improve medical education in the post-COVID era

Synchronous learning

Asynchronous learning

Real time, live interaction

Delayed (or lack of) live interaction

Social learning

Independent learning

Immediate feedback

Delayed response, limited feedback

Reactive, alert

Self-paced, deeper learning

Limitation on flexibility

Flexible, time efficient

Organized and facilitated by the instructor

Scarce guidance and support

May have to deal with diverse situations

High time management expectations, risk of procrastination

Real-time discourse, debate, discussion

More time on task and reflection

  1. *Adapted from Serdyukov P. Asynchronous/synchronous learning chasm. In: Mahoney J, Hall CA, editors. Exploring online learning through synchronous and asynchronous instructional methods. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global; 2020. p. 1-33.