Table 1 Uses of network analysis in participatory water governance.

From: Using stakeholder network analysis to enhance the impact of participation in water governance


Network applications

Practical implications for participation

• Describing collaboration patterns

Participatory governance is represented as a social structure of multi-stakeholder interaction.

The understanding of the system depends on the chosen relationship, which can refer to the mere exchange of information or shared decision-making.

• Identifying leaders and key players

It allows the distribution of power among the different stakeholders involved to be examined.

This information can be useful in regulating representativeness and balance of power in decision-making.

• Assessing intra- and intersectoral integration

It consists of examining the coordination between the different subgroups that make up the network, sometimes through the identification of intermediaries.

Coordination among diverse stakeholder groups allows for integrated management of the socio-ecosystem.

• Contributing to strategic planning

The identification of key stakeholders and their relationships generates a shared vision and can be used to generate collective action.

In this case, network analysis is a catalyst for stakeholder involvement and relationship formation.

• Facilitating conflict resolution

The diagnosis of power dynamics facilitates negotiations.

The relationship map provides a comprehensive representation of the stakeholder groups and their relationships with each other, thus guiding the negotiation process.

  1. Note. Five applications of network analysis in water governance are described in the table. From left to right, each column, respectively, (1) indicates what network analysis is used for, (2) describes what this application consists of, and (3) explains the implications that the use of network analysis techniques may have in participatory processes and governance. The second column presents the type of application of social network analysis in water governance and the third column presents the implications that, consequently, can be observed in the participation processes.